The Princess Brooke's Blog

This Blog of the Princess Brooke is an attempt at following the makings of a real princess (at least in my mind) please feel free to comment on any of the photos. Brooke simply loves the camera which you will see as the photo's progresses the camera loves Brooke!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Miss Brooke Taylor Roberts

Crazy face. Posted by Picasa

Arg it talk like a Pirate Day

Brooke showing off here new outfit......

Brookie testing out her future bra size?

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Mickey I wanna see Mickey

Is was what Brooke made clear during the Disneyland tour, so after waiting in line for more than an hour she finally got to meet Mickey.....

DisneyLand trip

Brooke and Rebekah with Goofy........just before he was suppose so on break, so the crown rushed Goofy and Brooke just barely got this photo.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Brooke enjoying a little taste of Mexican food at the Puerto Nuevo II restaurant in the Town of Puerto Nuevo....

Brooke and Rebekah in Mexico

Brooke and her 9 year old sister Rebekah, lounging in a pool at the New Port Beach Hotel in Puerto Nuevo, Mexico the pool was only 41/2 feet at its deepest end.......